international conferences and networking
Working with our extensive network of international partners, ITRC continues to build and co-organize conferences, meetings, and symposia of note. These conferences aren't just talking shops but are aimed to address specific and meaningful agenda.
The 3rd Annual Conference of the International Place Brand Association (IPBA) hosted by the Destination Branding and Marketing Special Interest Group (DBM-VI)
The 3rd Annual Conference of the International Place Brand Association (IPBA) hosted by the Destination Branding and Marketing Special Interest Group (DBM-VI) will be hosted by IFT in Macao, SAR, China on 5-7 December 2018.
The International Place Branding Association (est. 2015) - is a non-profit independent association of academics and professionals involved or interested in the principles and practices of brand development and brand management for places (cities, regions, nations and destinations).
The DBM Conference Series has provided a stimulating environment for practitioners, educators and researchers to discuss and debate the leading edge of research and practice in place and destination marketing, branding and reputation management since 2005. The first three DBM conferences were held in Macao, SAR, China, DBM-IV was hosted to great success by Cardiff Metropolitan University in 2012 and the last DBM-V was back to Macao in December 2014. DBM-VI, together with the IPBA, promise to provide a highly interactive forum and networking opportunity for tourism marketing researchers and professionals.
International Conference on Tourism and Retail Management 2018
IFT will be hosting the International Conference on Tourism and Retail Management (TRMC) 2018 in Macao SAR, China on 3-4 December. The TRMC jointly organized with the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, University of South Carolina, USA, and Nakai University Collage of Tourism and Service Management, China.
Educators, students, and practitioners are invited to a pioneering conference that focuses on cutting-edge developments occurring in the nexus of the tourism and retail management fields. The theme of the conference is “Advances in Tourism and Retail Services”. The dramatic, rapid, and concurrent growth of tourism and retail industries creates both tremendous opportunities and serious challenges, forcing organizations and communities to ponder many questions requiring serious investigation and debate. If your current practice, interest, or research touches upon this or other related theme, we invite you to join the stimulating discussion and debates that TRMC will stage for this purpose.