Macao Human Resource Monitor Survey (MHRM)
Trends by Key Variables Monitored and Job Changing Characteristics 2012-2021
There are 4 key variables monitored by the MHRM project over time. These are perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, general job satisfaction, job stress and intent to stay at organizations. All 4 variables are measured along a 5-point Likert scale ranged from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). The job changing characteristics include average job tenure and main reasons of changing jobs. For the definition of the concepts used in this report, as well as details of the methodology employed and a profile of the study's respondent characteristics, please visit here.
Outline of the report
III. Trends by Key Variables Monitored
IV. How Often Do People Change Job?
I. Highlights
Employees who felt relatively happier (higher C&B, job satisfaction and loyalty, and lower job stress score) in 2021 were those:
who work in public administration, education and social security
with higher monthly income levels
who occupy top positions at their organizations
who are non-permanent residents
married with children
In contrast, employees who were less than happy include those:
working in food & beverage sector,
working at entrance job level with monthly income below $19,999, and
working on rotational shift
Employers may want to understand their situation in order to improve their psycho-social status, so companies can retain as many of their great talents as possible.
II. General Trends
Figure 1 shows the general trends of the four key variables monitored by year.
There is improved situation in Macao’s labour force for all the four key variables monitored in 2021: employees feel more fairly paid, more satisfied with their jobs, less stressed and have higher intent to stay at their companies. This is good news because the situations finally show improvement since 2015.
III. Trends by Key Variables Monitored
Figure 2 shows the trends by the four key variables monitored. You can use the filters on the right in Figure 2 below to select the year and demographic variables that you are interested in.
Comparing to 2020, it is interesting to see that public administration, education and social security sectors had higher perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, higher general job satisfaction and lower job stress. However construction, manufacturing and utilities was showing the opposite, it had lower perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, lower general job satisfaction and intent to stay, higher job stress
IV. How Often Do People Change Job?
Figure 3 shows the average job tenure (in years) and Figure 4 shows the job changers distribution. You can use the filters on the right in Figure 3 and 4 below to select the year and demographic variables that you are interested in.
Average Job Tenure
The average job tenure measures how long workers had been with their current employer at the time of the survey. A number of factors can affect average job tenure of workers, including changes in age distribution among workers, as well as changes in the number of hires and separations. The average job tenure of workers was 5.3 years in 2021.
Below are some keys findings for average job tenure:
In 2021, the average job tenure of worker was higher among older workers than younger ones. The average job tenure of workers ages 55 to 64 (8.2 years) was around 2.5 times higher than that of workers ages 25 to 34 (3.3 years).
Monthly Income (MOP)
In 2021, workers with higher monthly income range had high average job tenure. The average job tenure of workers with monthly income higher than or equal to $40,000 (8.9 years) was around 3.3 times higher than that of workers with monthly income less than or equal to $9,999 (2.7 years).
In 2021, workers in transport, storage and communication had the highest average job tenure (7.9 years). Workers in leisure, entertainment, cultural arts and creative had the lowest average job tenure (3.2 years). These differences in tenure reflect many factors, one of which is varying age distributions across industries.
Job changers distribution
Job changers refer to respondents who changed job within one year. In 2021, the proportion of workers changing jobs was 15.1%, compared with 84.9% of workers remaining in their jobs. The proportion for job changers was 6.9%pt. more compared to 2020.
Below are some key findings for job changers distribution:
In 2021, workers age 34 or below were more likely to change jobs. This could be due to greater proportion of younger workers in unstable or temporary jobs. 68.2% of workers ages age 24 or below changed job in 2021, compared with 8.8% of workers ages 35 to 44.
Job Level
In 2021, entry or low level occupations have more workers changing jobs. 19.4% of entry or low level workers changed jobs, while 6.0% of middle or supervisory level and 4.9% of top level workers changed jobs.
Residence Status
In 2021, permanent residents have less workers changing jobs. 21.9% and 29.8% of non-permanent residents and non-resident worker's permit holder changed jobs respectively, compared with 13.0% of permanent resident changed jobs.
V. Main Reasons of Changing Jobs
Figure 5 shows the main reasons of changing jobs, you can use the filter on the right to select the year you are interested in.
Regarding to the main reasons of changing job, Compensation/Benefits predominated in 2021 with 33.8%, followed by Career Advancement (26.9%). Most common reasons that people change jobs include seeking higher pay and better work environment.
VI. Job Changing Characteristics
Figure 6 shows the type of job changing and Figure 7 shows the distribution of job changers. You can use the filter on the right in Figure 6 and 7 below to select the year you are interested in.
Movement of workers between industry is defined as those workers who work in a different industry compared with the year before. in this sense, “between firms” is more a proxy for how different the industry of workers are in compared with the previous year. Within industry will then be the remaining workers who work in the same industry compared with the year before.
In 2021, 55.2% of job-changers changed job to work in the same industry and 44.8% of job-changers moved to work in another industry. Analysed by industry, the top 3 industry that job-changers previously worked in was Gaming and Casino (18.2%), Retail and Wholesale (17.3%) and Hotel and Resorts (11.0%). However, the top 3 industry that job-changers moved into was Gaming and Casino (19.4%), Construction, manufacturing and utilities (17.1%) and Retail and Wholesale (14.4%).
The Macao Human Resource Monitor (MHRM)
Research team: Leonardo (Don) A.N. Dioko, Phd., Patrick Lo, Wendy Tang and Janice Leong