
Macao Tourist Satisfaction Index (MTSI)

The MTSI is a year-round survey that monitors the satisfaction of visitors to Macao in respect of several key tourism service sectors. Results of the MTSI are published annually. Special focus reports are also issued occasionally.

Objectives of the MTSI

  1. To provide a service that regularly monitors and informs the general public in Macao about the state of visitors’ satisfaction with the different sectors comprising the tourism and hospitality industry in Macao.

  2. To provide satisfaction level information that will be useful for management of various operating organizations in the hospitality and tourism industry in Macao as well as for tourism policy planners and decision makers.

  3. To provide a means for determining factors relevant to influencing the level of visitors’ satisfaction among the different sectors of the tourism industry, with the long term goal of making the industry more competitive, and to establish a regular assessment mechanism or “barometer” to gauge the influence of these factors.

Outline of the report

I. Highlight of latest findings

II. Overall MTSI across time

III. Sector performance across time

IV. Sector comparison

V. Relative importance on overall MTSI contribution

Supplementary - Methodology and profile of survey respondents


I. Highlights of latest findings

The overall Macao Tourist Satisfaction Index is the composite score considering tourist satisfaction across all the ten tourism service sectors covered. Data in 2022 was collected quarterly. The annual overall MTSI in 2022 stands at 75.2 (▲0.9 points from 74.3 in 2021 year-on-year). The annual MTSI has steadily improved and performed above the long-term average since 2017, followed by a slight dip in 2021 and a slight rebound in 2022.

In 2022, the individual sector annual TSIs ranged from 70.8 (F&B) to 78.4 (hotels). Respondents have rated hotels as the most satisfied sector for three consecutive years despite a decrease in its satisfaction index from 80.8 in 2020 to 78.4 in 2022 was recorded. Notable improvements were found in retail shops (▲3.3 points year-on-year) and border crossing (▲2.4 points year-on-year), while F&B continued to perform below average, with a significant drop of TSI noted in 2022 (▼1.9 points from 2021).

Overall, an increasing long-term trend has been observed across all sectors over the years. F&B, heritage and non-heritage attractions, tour guides & operators and transportation, have been performing below average, while retail shops and casinos perform relatively stable. See Figure III-1.

II. Overall MTSI across time

How to read the chart

The chart below shows the annual overall Macao Tourist Satisfaction Index (MTSI) and the average across the years. The annual MTSI reached a record high of 75.6 in 2020 while a record low of 68.1 was recorded in 2011.

III. Sector performance across time

How to read the chart

The small multiples below plots the annual tourist satisfaction index of each individual tourism related sector and compares them with the overall score. The dotted lines represent the long-term trends of overall MTSI and respective sector TSI.

IV. Sector comparison

How to compare TSI performance

By choosing from the list at right of chart below allows to compare the TSI across different sectors.

Grey area represents the overall MTSI. For example, the default below compares the performance of hotels and non-heritage attractions. Tourists are in general more satisfied with hotels than non-heritage attractions.


V. Relative importance on overall MTSI contribution

How to read the scatter plot below

The chart below plots the sector TSI and relative contribution towards the overall MTSI of the respective sector in a joint matrix.  The relative contribution measures how important a sector is in determining overall visitor satisfaction with Macao as a tourist destination. A higher contribution implies that a sector plays a more significant role in satisfying visitors to Macao. The lines represent the track of the matrix since 2009. The default chart below suggests that casinos is improving its performance and importance in overall contribution. While the satisfaction of transportation sector steadily improves over time, its relative contribution to overall TSI receives a declining trend. Comparison across sectors is available by choosing sectors from the list at right.


The Macao Tourist Satisfaction Index (MTSI)

Research team: Leonardo (Don) A.N. Dioko, Phd., Wendy Tang, Patrick Lo and Janice Leong

The MTSI is a year-round survey that monitors the satisfaction of visitors to Macao in respect of several key tourism service sectors. Results of the MTSI are published quarterly and annually. Special focus reports are also issued occasionally.

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