
District-Level Tourism Density, Development & Capacity (DTC) - 2020Q4 Pilot Study


The District-Level Tourism Density, Development & Capacity (DTC) is a new study to expand the existing longitudinal Macao Tourism Carrying Capacity (TCC) study. The aim of this study is to provide insights to objective on adding new landmarks, planning new tourism areas and redistributing tourism peak demand for Macao to support the “Macao Tourism Industry Development Master Plan” (the Master Plan) published by the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO). A pilot study is carried out in 2020 Quarter 4.


The pilot study results show that the Inner Harbor area and Fisherman’s Wharf area can be considered as area to redevelop or develop further for new tourism spots. The two areas mentioned above have relatively less people flow per hour, relatively higher visitor to resident ratio and relatively higher supportiveness from residents. This can help to redistribute tourism peak demand from existing Central historical areas.


Methodology of DTC Pilot Study is available here.

How to Read

Results from DTC Pilot Study are presented in the dashboard below. The red dots on the maps show the sampling location for each living grid. The filter on the right can be switched between weekday or weekend data for the map (a) and (b) (people flow/hour & visitor:resident ratio). Darker grid indicates higher intensity for the 3 maps. Hovering on the grids on the 3 maps show a pop up box with relevant information and data. In addition, hovering on grids on map (c) show a word cloud with comments and suggestions made by respondents’ to their living neighborhood. The size of the word in the word cloud indicates its frequency and importance, while the color of the word indicates its category (for example, transport, environment and city planning etc.).

*Larger map display is available at full-screen mode.

Remarks: Please note that not all living grids have data collected in the pilot study due to limited time, those grids have been left empty on the map, they will be covered in the next wave.