Dr. Edmond Wu of Sun Yat-sen University begins his research residency at IFT

Dr. Edmond Wu of Sun Yat-sen University begins his research residency and delivers first seminar to IFT faculty members on “Models for Tourist Arrival Forecasting in Macao”


Dr. Edmond Wu is Lecturer in Information Systems and Business Statistics at the School of Tourism Management at Sun Yat-sen University, China, and holds a PhD i Financial Statistics and MPhill in Mathematics and data Mining from the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wu is scholar-in-residence at IFT until August 2013. To kick off his research program, he delivered a research seminar last Tuesday, 25th June on the challenges of forecasting tourist arrivals and the novel technique he is implementing in research in Macao. He will be working with ITRC colleagues Ms. Wendy Tang and Ms. Joey Sou, whose areas of research include forecasting and econometric modeling.  

Dr. Wu joins as the latest of a growing list of international scholars who has been granted short-term research residence at IFT under the Institute’s Residential Research Program. The purpose of the RRG is to build international research connections with leading scholars in hospitality and tourism and enable them the time, place and support necessary to undertake research endeavors that are of strategic importance to the hospitality and tourism industry of Macao. Previous resident scholars in IFT include Prof. William Gartner of the University of Michigan and Prof. Alastair Morrison of Purdue University.


The bibliography of Dr. Wu can be viewed here. The abstract of Dr. Wu's RRG can be downloaded here.
