The GREENER venue

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An international research collaboration between ITRC-IFT and the Center for Events and Sports Research, School of Tourism, Bournemouth University, UK.

This joint research developed an environmental management framework for events and conference venues. Given the growing and immense complexity as well as size of meeting venues--especially those operated by the biggest gaming resort complexes now located in Macao--their impact on the environment has become tremendous. The findings of this study helps change management and operational views of such venues and how they can be more sustainable in the future.


Meetings, conventions and all forms of business tourism have become a potent force in shaping not only the economics of destinations but also the environment. There is a renewed and growing call for owners, managers and operators of conventions, exhibitions, and conference venues and facilities to adhere to principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Failure to do so may lead consumers, association members and event attendees to consider and engage in active advocacy for their organizations and associations to select “greener venues.”

The research developed a novel environmental management framework--The GREENER VENUE--for venue operators and managers in the MICE industry and their clients. Dr. Julie Whitfield, Senior Lecturer in Events Management at the School of Tourism in Bournemouth University collaborated in this joint effort with Dr. Leonardo (Don) Dioko of ITRC.

As of September 2010, the project has already collected significant data from UK venues and efforts to collect comparative data for Macao, Hong Kong and Mainland China are underway. A knowledge Transfer seminar was recently conducted by Drs. Whitfield and Dioko in IFT’s Taipa Campus attended by more than 20 executives and captains of the MICE industry in Macao. During her recent visit to Macao in connection with this joint research, Dr. Whitfield also delivered a lecture to IFT’s senior students majoring in hotel and events management on “Organizing Green Conferences.”

project updates

Publications and presentations


  • Whitfield, J., & Dioko, L. A. N. (2013). Does Accreditation indicate a greener venue? . In L. Lyck & R. Davidson (Eds.), Sustainable Business Tourism: Why? How? To What Extent? Strategy and Implementation with Focus on Experiences from Practice, Education and Research. A Selection of Papers Presented at ATLAS Business Tourism Special Interest Group Meetings (Vol. 2). Arnhem: Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS).


  • Whitfield, J., Dioko, L. A. N., & Webber, D. E. (2013). Scoring environmental credentials: a review of UK conference and meetings venues using the GREENER VENUE framework. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2013.809090


  • Whitfield, J., & Dioko, L. A. N. (2012). Measuring and Examining the Relevance of Discretionary Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism: Some Preliminary Evidence from the U.K. Conference Sector. Journal of Travel Research, 51(3), 289-302. doi: 10.1177/0047287511418369


  • Whitfield, J., & Dioko, L. A. N. (2011). Discretionary corporate social responsibility: introducing the GREENER VENUE. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 2(2), 170-183. doi: 10.1108/17582951111136586


  • Whitfield, J. E., & Dioko, L. (2011). Measuring discretionary CSR within the UK conference sector. Paper presented at the The 9th AEME Conference: Securing the Future, 13-14 July 2011, Telford Campus, Wolverhampton University, England.


  • Whitfield, J. E., & Dioko, L. (2010). Measuring discretionary corporate social responsibility within the UK conference sector. Paper presented at the International Conference on Global Sustainable Tourism, 15-19 November 2010, Nelspruit (Mbombela) South Africa.