
The industry briefing on MHRM was sucessfully held with representatives from 17 local organizations attended


The industry briefing on Macao Human Resource Monitor Project (MHRM) was successfully held at IFT on 1 December 2016. There were 34 representatives from 17 local hotels/ organisations attended the Briefing during which the latest survey results of 2014 and 2015 for measures such as job satisfaction, job stress, perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, workers’ intent-to-stay in their organizations among the tourism and hospitality industry, etc. were announced by Mr. Patrick Lo, Lecturer at IFT. The first Industry Briefing on MHRM was held in 2014.


Three special reports were also presented by Mr. Henrique Ngan, Lecturer, Dr. Louis Vong, Assistant Professor, Prof. Don Dioko, Director of ITRC in addressing the career prospects, retention fundamentals, as well as service tenure.


Details of these reports can be viewed on the MHRM page.


Seminar for HK principals on Global Career Trends in Tourism and Hospitality

ITRC researcher Mr. Patrick Lo presented the "Global Trends in Tourism and Hospitality: Opportunities and Prospects for Career Development" to about 100 Hong Kong high school principals when they conducted a site visit to IFT on 10 and 24 April 2015. Two of our graduates, Ms. Vicky Chen who graduated in Heritage Management in 2012 and Mr. Jason Tang who graduated in Hotel Management in 2011, recorded videos to share their experiences at IFT as well as their career development with our guests.


The “Industry Briefing Session on Macao Human Resource Monitoring Survey” attracted more than 30 industry colleagues



During the Briefing, the Director of ITRC, Professor Don Dioko introduced the fiedlwork and survey methodology of the  Macao Human Resource Monitoring Survey (MHRM). Results gathered in 2013 were announced and compared with those in 2012.

Dr. Louis Vong, by using the MHRM data, revealed that once an intervention took place, employees' job stress cease to exert direct influence on their turnover intention, which suggests that work-family conflict is the underlying cause of discouraging stressful employees to remain in their jobs. 


Mr. Henrique Ngan, analysed from the MHRM data and revealed that employees with high levels of occupational stress and working in a low organisational climate are less likely to stay with their employer. He also discussed strategies of how organisations in Macao should enhance their organisational climate and provide measure to lower job stress in order to keep their staff from leaving.

The Briefing has attracted more than 30 industry colleagues to participate. 


IFT and OBU shared joint research result at the public seminar "Successful Growth Strategies for SMEs"

The “Successful Growth Strategies for SME” seminar was successfully held on 29 November 2013 at IFT, with 22 participants including government officials and local SMEs.


Macao takes its place among world’s most creative cities

Announcement of the public seminar “Tourism, Culture and Creativity” delivered by Professor Greg Richards from University of Tilburg in the Netherlands is released.


The MICE industry stacking up well to environmental standards

More than 20 executives and high officials of Macao’s MICE industry attended the GREENER VENUE Knowledge Transfer Seminar held Monday, 13 September 2010.
