Macao Human Resource Monitoring Study (MHRM) - December 2020

I. About the Survey 調查介紹

Objectives 調查目的

MHRM is one of IFTM Tourism Research Centre (ITRC)’s long-term research. The aim is to fill the gap in knowledge of information of the Macao’s labor force such as employees’ level of job satisfaction, job stress, intention-to-quit and organizational loyalty measures, as well as satisfaction with a host of occupational and work conditions such as benefits, opportunities for advancement, inter-relationships at work, etc. with focuses on the tourism, hospitality and gaming industries. Information are gathered and analyzed for industry leaders and the general public to reply on in regard to understanding issues surrounding the labor force.


Survey design 調查設計

MHRM telephone interview employs the random-digit dialing (RDD) by telephone interviewers under close supervision. To minimize sampling bias, first five digits of telephone numbers were first drawn randomly from the residential telephone database as “seed numbers”, then the remaining digits were drawn randomly to generate the samples to minimize non-registered numbers bias.


Survey Respondents 調查對象

The target respondents for this survey are those 18 years old or above, and are currently working/ worked in Macao in the past 12 months. When telephone contact is successfully connected with a target household, one eligible person will be selected. If more than one eligible person is available, selection will be made using the “next birthday rule” that selects the person who will have his/her birthday next from all those available. Selected respondents may opt to complete the questionnaire through telephone interview or fill in the online questionnaire via a given link.


Data Collection Period 資料收集期

The data collection period starts from December 21 to December 31, 2020.


II. Respondents' Corner 受訪者專區

Interviewers will introduce themselves on the phone and verify the phone number with the respondents before starting the questionnaire. If respondents have any doubts about the identity of the interviewers, they can call 8598 1543 during office hours for verification. The incoming caller ID for this survey is 2856 1252.

調查員會先在電話上介紹自己,並與受訪者核實電話號碼。如對調查員的身份有存疑,受訪者可於辦公時間致電8598 1543核實調查員身份。調查員的來電號碼為 2856 1252。

III. Promotion Activity 宣傳活動

Lucky Draw 大抽獎

In appreciation for the support and cooperation of the respondents, all respondents that successfully complete the survey of this study (fieldwork & telephone) can enter the lucky draw with the chance to win MOP1,000 supermarket coupons (10 sets in total).

The winner will be announced on ITRC’s Facebook page ( on January 29, 2021 and contacted by our staff via phone and SMS. If the winner cannot be reached by phone or SMS, or do not collect the prize within the given period, we reserves the right to draw a substitute winner from the rest of the participants. For terms and conditions, please click here.


得獎名單將於2021年1月29日公佈於本中心的Facebook (,得獎者將會以電話和電話訊息方式收到通知。倘若主辦單位未能透過電話或電話訊息方式與得獎者聯繫,又或者得獎者於領獎期間屆滿後亦不領取獎品,學院保留於其餘參加者的名單內抽出替補之權利。有關條款與細則,請按此處

IV. Contact Us 聯絡我們

Enquiry Hotline: 8598 1543

查詢電話: 8598 1543

Office hours:

Mondays to Thursdays

9:00 to 13:00, 14:30 to 17:45


9:00 to 13:00, 14:30 to 17:30







Macao Human Resource Monitoring Study (MHRM) - June 2020

I. About the Survey 調查介紹

Objectives 調查目的

MHRM is one of IFTM Tourism Research Centre (ITRC)’s long-term research. The aim is to fill the gap in knowledge of information of the Macao’s labor force such as employees’ level of job satisfaction, job stress, intention-to-quit and organisational loyalty measures, as well as satisfaction with a host of occupational and work conditions such as benefits, opportunities for advancement, inter-relationships at work, etc. with focuses on the tourism, hospitality and gaming industries. Information are gathered and analyzed for industry leaders and the general public to reply on in regard to understanding issues surrounding the labor force.


Survey design 調查設計

MHRM employs the random-digit dialing (RDD) by telephone interviewers under close supervision. To minimize sampling bias, first five digits of telephone numbers were first drawn randomly from the residential telephone database as “seed numbers”, then the remaining digits were drawn randomly to generate the samples to minimize non-registered numbers bias.


Survey Respondents 調查對象

The target respondents for this survey are those 18 years old or above, and are currently working/ worked in Macao in the past 6 months. When telephone contact is successfully connected with a target household, one eligible person will be selected. If more than one eligible person is available, selection will be made using the “next birthday rule” that selects the person who will have his/her birthday next from all those available. Selected respondents may opt to complete the questionnaire through telephone interview or fill in the online questionnaire via a given link.


Data Collection Period 資料收集期

The data collection period starts from June 15 to July 11, 2020.


II. Respondents' Corner 受訪者專區

Interviewers will introduce themselves on the phone and verify the phone number with the respondents before starting the questionnaire. If respondents have any doubts about the identity of the interviewers, they can call 8598 1543 during office hours for verification. The incoming caller ID for this survey is 2856 1252.

調查員會先在電話上介紹自己,並與受訪者核實電話號碼。如對調查員的身份有存疑,受訪者可於辦公時間致電8598 1543核實調查員身份。調查員的來電號碼為 2856 1252。

III. Promotion Activity 宣傳活動

Lucky Draw 大抽獎

In appreciation for the support and cooperation of the respondents, all respondents that successfully complete the survey can enter the lucky draw with the chance to win MOP1,000 supermarket coupons (10 sets in total).

The winner will be announced on ITRC’s Facebook page ( on August 14, 2020 and contacted by our staff via phone and SMS. If the winner cannot be reached by phone or SMS, or do not collect the prize within the given period, we reserves the right to draw a substitute winner from the rest of the participants. For terms and conditions, please click here.


得獎名單將於2020年8月14日公佈於本中心的Facebook (,得獎者將會以電話和電話訊息方式收到通知。倘若主辦單位未能透過電話或電話訊息方式與得獎者聯繫,又或者得獎者於領獎期間屆滿後亦不領取獎品,學院保留於其餘參加者的名單內抽出替補之權利。有關條款與細則,請按此處

IV. Contact Us 聯絡我們

Enquiry Hotline: 8598 1543

查詢電話: 8598 1543

Office hours:

Mondays to Thursdays

9:00 to 13:00, 14:30 to 17:45


9:00 to 13:00, 14:30 to 17:30







Macao Human Resource Monitoring Study online survey 2018 (part 2) 澳門人力資源監察調查2018(第二期)網上問卷

Derry - Restaurant (retouch).jpg

WIN MOP1,000 F&B voucher at the michelin-recommended IFT educational restaurant BY completing our online survey

We invite full-time employees in Macao to participate in a web-based online survey on the Macao Human Resource Monitoring Study (MHRM). This is one of the longitudinal studies conducted by the ITRC.

Your response is anonymous and data collected are treated in strict confidence. It will take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete this survey and your participation is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.

Respondents who have successfully completed the survey will enter into a lucky draw for MOP1,000 voucher of our IFT Educational Restaurant - a MICHELIN-RECOMMENDED restaurant.

We are collecting data between 21 and 31 December 2018. If you have any enquiry about the study, please feel free to email





成功完成問卷調查的受訪者將可參與抽獎贏取旅遊學院教學餐廳-米芝蓮推薦餐廳- MOP1,000 餐飲禮券




IFT ITRC holds industry briefing on MHRM Project and releases the latest survey findings


IFT Tourism Research Centre (ITRC) held an industry briefing on 24 Nov 2017 and released the latest findings on one of the Center’ major research projects - the Macao Human Resource Monitor Survey (MHRM).


The MHRM Survey is ITRC’s long-term research that regularly measures job satisfaction levels and other key HR indicators of Macao’s general labor force, with particular focus on those working in the hospitality, gaming and tourism industries. In addition to monitoring general job satisfaction, the survey looks at several key HR variables such as workers’ perceived fairness in compensation and benefits, levels of job stress, and workers’ intent to stay, social well-being and life-work balance, among others. This year, ITRC is announcing the results of two special in-depth studies on the topic of Macao workers’ perception of women as managers as well as the extent of gender bias in organizations.


Mr. Patrick Lo, IFT Lecturer and ITRC research staff, presented the latest trends on key HR indicators. The most recent findings show that Macao workers generally feel less satisfied with their jobs, less fairly compensated, have lower willingness to stay, and experience more stress comparing to previous years. The overall job satisfaction score for all workers is 3.38 on a 5-point Likert scale ranged from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) in the latest study. IFT Lecturer Dr. Henrique Ngan conducted a study and measured stereotypic attitudes toward women as managers, which employed the Women as Managers Scale (WAMS), and found that the average WAMS score is 4.79 on a 1- to 7-point Likert scale, in which the higher the score, the more positive the attitude towards women as managers. Though the WAMS average score is slightly above the midpoint of scale (of 4), it is lower than average scores found in other studies, particularly those from western countries.


Another special focus report on gender bias was carried out by Dr. Louis Vong, Assistant Professor at IFT, the results of which are now published online (together with all the findings released during the briefing). Dr. Vong’s study looked at gender bias and whether or not having a male versus female superior would affect several HR related conditions such as work performance, stress, and job satisfaction.


About 30 participants from industry, principally from various HR departments, attended the briefing. For complete online reports, definition of the concepts used in this report, as well as details of the methodology employed as well as respondents’ characteristics, please visit the MHRM page.



Industry briefing on latest findings of the Macao Human Resources Monitor Project to be held on Friday, 24 November, 2017

About the briefing

ITRC conducts the Macao HR Monitor (MHRM) Project, which regularly measures job satisfaction levels, attitudes, and opinions of Macao’s employed labor force, with particular focus on those working in the hospitality, gaming and tourism industry. The MHRM research team will update attendees of the industry briefing on the project’s latest findings and studies. The briefing is open to all members of the public and industry and will be held on Friday, 24 November 2017, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, at the conference room of the Pousada de Mong-Ha, IFT Mong-Ha Campus (details of venue below).

The aim of the MHRM project is to provide policy planners, management executives, and employee groups with up-to-date and insightful information regarding human resource and work-related issues and trends. By providing recurrent knowledge, research, and actionable information, the project hopes to improve the effectiveness of human resource management practices and policies in Macao. Read more about the MHRM Project and access past reports here.

Briefing agenda & schedule


(Each presentation will last approximately 30 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A. All presentations and materials will be in English.)



3:30 pm

Trends in job satisfaction and other key HR indicators 

By Patrick Lo

Synopsis: This briefing will present the latest survey results regularly monitoring key HR metrics for Macao's labour force. This includes updates on current levels of job satisfaction, work stress, perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, as well as workers' intent-to-stay in their organizations.



4:15 pm

Overall perceptions towards women as managers

By Henrique Ngan

Synopsis: The briefing examines Macao's labour workforce perceptions towards women managers across different industries and with different background (e.g. age, gender, education) and its impact on employee turnover intentions. Implications for effective management of gender issues will be discussed. 





Also: Special report to be published online during the briefing, giving attendees first exclusive read


Does gender bias exist in Macao’s organizations and does it affect our work?

By Louis Vong

Synopsis: How common are supervisors managing subordinates of the opposite sex? How does supervisor gender influence subordinates' job attitudes? Are there natural advantages for managers supervising subordinates of the same sex-or the opposite sex? This online report presents findings of a study that examined gender congruence affecting the workplace and opens up avenues for discussion among managers and employees.

Meet the MHRM Project team


Registration (is now closed)

The briefing will have two presentations and will be conducted in English. Each presentation will last 30 minutes and followed by a brief Q&A. Limited places available. The briefing is free of charge but registration is required to confirm attendance and is limited to a maximum of 2 participants per organization. Registration is on a first-come-first served basis and can be on the registraion form on the right.

For inquiries, please email Ms. Virginia Hong at or call 8598-1253



Date, time, and venue:

Friday, 24 November 2017, 3:30pm-5:00pm

Conference Room, Pousada de Mong-Ha, IFT Mong-ha Campus


Colina de Mong-Ha, Macao 澳門望廈山

Print out taxi directions here.



The industry briefing on MHRM was sucessfully held with representatives from 17 local organizations attended


The industry briefing on Macao Human Resource Monitor Project (MHRM) was successfully held at IFT on 1 December 2016. There were 34 representatives from 17 local hotels/ organisations attended the Briefing during which the latest survey results of 2014 and 2015 for measures such as job satisfaction, job stress, perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, workers’ intent-to-stay in their organizations among the tourism and hospitality industry, etc. were announced by Mr. Patrick Lo, Lecturer at IFT. The first Industry Briefing on MHRM was held in 2014.


Three special reports were also presented by Mr. Henrique Ngan, Lecturer, Dr. Louis Vong, Assistant Professor, Prof. Don Dioko, Director of ITRC in addressing the career prospects, retention fundamentals, as well as service tenure.


Details of these reports can be viewed on the MHRM page.


Industry briefing on latest findings of the Macao Human Resources Monitor Project to be held on Thursday, December 1, 2016

About the briefing

ITRC conducts the Macao HR Monitor (MHRM) Project, which regularly measures job satisfaction levels, attitudes, and opinions of Macao’s employed labor force, with particular focus on those working in the hospitality, gaming and tourism industry. The MHRM research team will update attendees of the industry briefing on the project’s latest findings and studies. The briefing is open to all members of the public and industry and will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2016, 15:00 to 17:00, at the conference room of the Pousada de Mong-ha, IFT Main Campus (details of venue below).

The aim of the MHRM project is to provide policy planners, management executives, and employee groups with up-to-date and insightful information regarding human resource and work-related issues and trends. By providing recurrent knowledge, research, and actionable information, the project hopes to improve the effectiveness of human resource management practices and policies in Macao. Read more about the MHRM Project and access past reports here.

Briefing agenda & schedule


(Each presentation will last approximately 20 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A. All presentations and materials will be in English.)



3:00 pm

Trends in job satisfaction and other key HR indicators 

By Patrick Lo & Wendy Tang

Synopsis: This briefing will present latest survey results for measures such as job satisfaction, work stress, perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, as well as workers’ intent-to-stay in their organizations.



3:30 pm

How do employees perceive their career prospects in their organizations? Are these expectations realistic or too optimistic?

By Henrique Ngan

Synopsis: Employees value the career prospects offered by their organizations. But how do they perceive their chances for promotion and what are their expectations? This briefing reports the findings of a study that examined employees’ expectations for promotion and how well it corresponds to the reality. The briefing will name the factors related to these expectations and their implications for employees and their organizations



4:00 pm

Retention fundamentals: understanding the determinants of employee intention to stay

By Louis Vong

Synopsis: How can organizations identify which types of employees are more likely to stay or leave their jobs? What can organizations do to retain them? This session presents the findings of a study that examined the individual and organizational determinants influencing employees’ intent to stay with their employers.



4:30 pm

The 3.25-year “itch”— How long do employees stay in their organizations

By Leonardo (Don) Dioko

Synopsis: Based on analysis comparing long vs short staying employees, this briefing identifies the factors that likely influence employee length of tenure and suggest a few implications for management and organizations in Macao.





Meet the MHRM Project team



The briefing will have four presentations and will be conducted in English. Each presentation will last 20 minutes and followed by a brief Q&A. Limited places available. The briefing is free of charge but registration is required to confirm attendance and is limited to a maximum of 2 participants per organization. Registration is on a first-come-first served basis and can be made here:

For inquiries, please email Ms. Virginia Hong at or call 8598-1253

Date, time, and venue:

Thursday, 1 December 2016, 15:00-17:00

Conference Room, Pousada de Mong-Ha, IFT Main Campus


Colina de Mong-Ha, Macao 澳門望廈山

Print out taxi directions here.



The “Industry Briefing Session on Macao Human Resource Monitoring Survey” attracted more than 30 industry colleagues



During the Briefing, the Director of ITRC, Professor Don Dioko introduced the fiedlwork and survey methodology of the  Macao Human Resource Monitoring Survey (MHRM). Results gathered in 2013 were announced and compared with those in 2012.

Dr. Louis Vong, by using the MHRM data, revealed that once an intervention took place, employees' job stress cease to exert direct influence on their turnover intention, which suggests that work-family conflict is the underlying cause of discouraging stressful employees to remain in their jobs. 


Mr. Henrique Ngan, analysed from the MHRM data and revealed that employees with high levels of occupational stress and working in a low organisational climate are less likely to stay with their employer. He also discussed strategies of how organisations in Macao should enhance their organisational climate and provide measure to lower job stress in order to keep their staff from leaving.

The Briefing has attracted more than 30 industry colleagues to participate. 


Industry briefing regarding MHRM project to be held

The Industry Briefing Session on the “Macao Human Resource Monitoring Survey” held by the IFT Tourism Research Centre (ITRC), will take place between 17:00-18:30 on Wednesday, 5th November 2014 at IFT’s Pousada Conference Room.


New study by ITRC reveals which profile of Macao workers have the highest and lowest job satisfaction

Details of the newly launched Macao Human Resource Monitoring Survey (MHRM) has just been released in an inaugural report


ITRC launches long-term periodic monitoring and study of labor and human resource issues – MHRM

ITRC announces today the release of its inaugural report on the Macao Human Resource Monitoring Survey (or MHRM), the Centre's latest major research project. Designed to periodically capture the attitudes, opinions and sentiments of Macao’s workforce, the MHRM Survey will be conducted and its findings reported twice a year.


Among the information to be gathered regularly are employees' levels of job satisfaction, job stress, organizational commitment, intention-to-quit and organizational loyalty measures as well as satisfaction with a host of occupational and work conditions such as compensation, benefits, opportunities for advancement and inter-relationships at work, either with colleagues or with superiors and subordinates.


Although the MHRM primarily focuses on analyzing labor and human resource issues pertaining to the tourism, hospitality and gaming industries, findings will be compared across all categories of workers in other sectors of Macao's economy. Director of ITRC, Dr. Leonardo (Don) Dioko, notes:


"Despite the copious amount of information generated about Macao's rapid economic growth, there is little if any information resource of sufficient scale, scope and sustained collection over time, which policy makers, industry leaders and the general public can tap or rely on in regard to the important task of understanding issues surrounding labor force relations, incentives, equity and benefits as well as identifying the needs, conditions and aspirations of Macao's human resources. The MHRM project will aim to fill this gap in knowledge."

Among the major findings of the pilot survey:


1) Overall, majority of the employed labor force in Macao are moderately satisfied with their jobs. Those working in tourism related industries, however, expressed a slightly lower level of job satisfaction compared to non-tourism workers.


2) Workers from the tourism industry had lower satisfaction with practically every specific domain of their jobs (i.e., job security, supervision, treatment, recognition and pay) compared to non-tourism workers.


3) Tourism industry workers also tend to report lower intent to stay at and lower levels of commitment to their organizations, compared to non-tourism industry workers.


Considering that most of the working population of Macao are occupationally involved in tourism or tourism-related organizations and that the nominal income of workers has increased in recent years, the above findings—which echo a generally coping sentiment—should be cause for long-term concern. 


More details of the MHRM can be found here. Regular subscribers of ITRC's studies will receive an email shortly with a link to download the inaugural report while non-subscribers should register in the MHRM project page to receive a copy.




For more information


Please contact Ms. Virginia Hong or Ms. Wendy Tang of ITRC at
