Macao Human Resource Monitoring Study online survey 2018 (part 2) 澳門人力資源監察調查2018(第二期)網上問卷

Derry - Restaurant (retouch).jpg

WIN MOP1,000 F&B voucher at the michelin-recommended IFT educational restaurant BY completing our online survey

We invite full-time employees in Macao to participate in a web-based online survey on the Macao Human Resource Monitoring Study (MHRM). This is one of the longitudinal studies conducted by the ITRC.

Your response is anonymous and data collected are treated in strict confidence. It will take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete this survey and your participation is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.

Respondents who have successfully completed the survey will enter into a lucky draw for MOP1,000 voucher of our IFT Educational Restaurant - a MICHELIN-RECOMMENDED restaurant.

We are collecting data between 21 and 31 December 2018. If you have any enquiry about the study, please feel free to email





成功完成問卷調查的受訪者將可參與抽獎贏取旅遊學院教學餐廳-米芝蓮推薦餐廳- MOP1,000 餐飲禮券


