TRMC2019 Conference (27-28 Oct 2019, Tianjin China)

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The INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019 (TRMC2019) with theme: New Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism and Retail Services hosted by College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, China will be jointly organised by Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao SAR, China and College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, University of South Carolina, USA on 27-28 October 2019 in Tianjin China.

The Conference theme is “New Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism and Retail Services”. In 2019, we are facing decelerating economic growth globally, which brings both serious challenges and tremendous opportunities for tourism and retail industries. The emerging issues and changes call for more discussions and serious investigation.


Abstract submission: Due on or before June 5, 2019

Acceptance notification: July 5, 2019

Early bird registration deadline: July 20, 2019

Full paper submission deadline: September 15, 2019*

Final registration deadline: September 27, 2019

Conference begins: October 27, 2019

* For inclusion in proceedings, authors and contributors MUST submit complete manuscript AND register by the September 27, 2019 registration deadline.

For more information, please visit the Conference’s website


Public seminar "Is there a crisis in research?" by Prof. Chris Ryan

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Prof. Chris Ryan will be holding the public seminar “Is there a crisis in research?” on 21st May 2019 at IFT. The seminar will be conducted in English only.

If you are interested, you may register in the form below for free by 15th May 2019.

Date: Tuesday, 21st May 2019

Date: 3:00PM –4:30PM

Venue: Auditorium, Team Building, Mong-Ha Campus, IFT, Macao, China

Moderator: Dr. Cora Wong, Assistant Professor of IFT

Professor Chris RyanUniversity of Waikato,New Zealand

Professor Chris Ryan

University of Waikato,

New Zealand

About the speaker

Professor Chris Ryan undertakes research in the field of tourism, and has developed research interests in China in the last two decades, including contractual work with Chinese partners such as Beijing Union University and others. He has also undertaken reports for the United Nations World Tourism Organization in China, is editor of Tourism Management, and at the time of writing has a h-index of 64 according to Google Scholar.

His research interests include tourist behaviours and the consequences of those behaviours in terms of impacts - social, psychological and environmental; and the business organisations that shape those tourist experiences.

Registration cLOSED


GBA Tourism Research Exchange

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About 30 participants attended the inaugural “Tourism Research Exchange” on 13 March 2019 at IFT. Four institutions were invited to share their research and experiences at the Research Exchange which provided an opportunity for tourism and hotel faculty within the Greater Bay Area to get together to meet, share, and find out about what research activities colleagues are engaging in.


More information and the abstracts of the presentations can be found at the Research Exchange’s web page.





The Public Forum on "SMART TOURISM, SMART DESTINATIONS" will will take place on Friday, 22 February 2019, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, at theGrand Hall, Mong-Ha Campus of the Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao. We will discuss developments in and deployment of smart and E-tourism technologies for the Greater Bay Area, as well as the opportunities and challenges they bring for tourism, the hospitality and travel industries, and communities. 

Participation in the session is free-of-charge but prior registration is required. The Forum will be conducted in English, with simultaneous translation (English to Mandarin) provided for only 25 attendees on a first-come-first-served basis (due to the limited number of earphones).


3:00pm  Presentation by Mr. Ricky Hoi, Deputy Director of the Macao Government Tourism Office

3:20pm  Presentation by Prof. Rob Law, Professor of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management 

3:40pm  Presentation by Dr. Jason Ni, Executive Director, Research, Planning and Strategy of Wynn Macau 

4:000pm  Panel discussion and Q&A, Moderated by Dr. Shanshan Qi, Assistant Professor of the Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao

4:30-5:00pm  Refreshments and networking

Registration and more information

Please visit

About the Forum

This will be the fourth special open-to-the-public forum organized by IFT as part of its Greater Bay Area initiatives in training, education, and research, undertaken jointly with Sun Yet Sen University’s School of Tourism and the School of Hotel and Tourism Management of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Macao Human Resource Monitoring Study online survey 2018 (part 2) 澳門人力資源監察調查2018(第二期)網上問卷

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WIN MOP1,000 F&B voucher at the michelin-recommended IFT educational restaurant BY completing our online survey

We invite full-time employees in Macao to participate in a web-based online survey on the Macao Human Resource Monitoring Study (MHRM). This is one of the longitudinal studies conducted by the ITRC.

Your response is anonymous and data collected are treated in strict confidence. It will take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete this survey and your participation is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.

Respondents who have successfully completed the survey will enter into a lucky draw for MOP1,000 voucher of our IFT Educational Restaurant - a MICHELIN-RECOMMENDED restaurant.

We are collecting data between 21 and 31 December 2018. If you have any enquiry about the study, please feel free to email





成功完成問卷調查的受訪者將可參與抽獎贏取旅遊學院教學餐廳-米芝蓮推薦餐廳- MOP1,000 餐飲禮券




IFT, SYS and HKPU organised the GBA Collaborative Tourism Research Forum


On 8 May, Macao’s Institute for Tourism Studies’ Tourism Research Centre (ITRC), the School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-Sen University (SYS), and the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) jointly organised The Greater Bay Area Collaborative Tourism Research Forum. The Forum was unique because of its working and interactive

format with the audience, which was designed for the purpose of defining a collaborative research agenda for tourism stakeholders in the Greater Bay Area. The Forum provided an opportunity for hospitality and tourism policymakers, industry executives, and researchers in the Greater Bay Area to discuss, identify and prioritise future joint research needed to address the myriad challenges and opportunities regarding the long-term tourism development of the Greater Bay Area.  


The Forum was comprised of two sessions. The first consisted of short statements delivered by the three Co-Chairs of the Forum, wherein they broadly outlined some key issues, trends, developments, and rationales for cooperation. The Co-Chairs of the Forum included Professor Jigang Bao, Dean of the School of Tourism and Management, Sun Yat-Sen University, Professor Haiyan Song, Associate Dean and Chair Professor of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic, and Dr. Fanny Vong, President of IFT.


The second session consisted of participants being broken down into several smaller groups during which they held intense and interactive discussions and shared their opinions as to what issues, problems, and challenges were most pressing and important for research to address.


A total of 110 participants registered for the event, including representatives from HKP, SYS, and IFT, as well as other higher educational institutions in the GBA. Other participants included community members from across the GBA policy-makers, government officials, industry executives, and members of various community interest groups, think-tanks and private associations.

The event photos have been uploaded to the Forum's webpage, please feel free to view and download. 


5月8日,旅遊學院旅遊業研究暨科研中心與中山大學旅遊學院及香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院合辦大灣區旅遊研究合作論壇。是次論壇的獨特之處在於其與參與者的工作性和互動性,來為大灣區旅遊利益相關者合作研究制定研究議程。 論壇為大灣區的酒店和旅遊政策制定者合作研究、行業主管和研究人員提供了一個很好的機會去探討大灣區在長期旅遊發展中面臨的挑戰和機遇,並辨識未來聯合旅遊研究優先課題的議程。


是次論壇有兩個部分,首先是由論壇的三位聯席主持發表簡述,他們廣泛地概述了一些關鍵問題、趨勢、發展和合作原因。 論壇聯席主持包括中山大學旅遊學院院長保繼剛教授、香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院副院長及講座教授宋海岩教授及旅遊學院院長黃竹君博士。








The 3rd Annual Conference of the International Place Brand Association hosted by DBM-VI

The 5th International Conference on Branding and Marketing (DBM-V) organized by Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao China (IFT) together with co-organizers including University of South Carolina, U.S.A, University of Surrey, U.K. and Welsh Centre for Tourism Research, Cardiff Metropolitan University, U.K. will be held at IFT, Macao China during 3-5 December 2014.


The International Conference on Tourism and Retail Management 2018

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IFT will be hosting the International Conference on Tourism and Retail Management (TRMC) 2018 in Macao SAR, China on 3-4 December. The TRMC jointly organized with the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, University of South Carolina, USA, and Nakai University Collage of Tourism and Service Management, China.


Educators, students, and practitioners are invited to a pioneering conference that focuses on cutting-edge developments occurring in the nexus of the tourism and retail management fields. The theme of the conference is “Advances in Tourism and Retail Services”. The dramatic, rapid, and concurrent growth of tourism and retail industries creates both tremendous opportunities and serious challenges, forcing organizations and communities to ponder many questions requiring serious investigation and debate. If your current practice, interest, or research touches upon this or other related theme, we invite you to join the stimulating discussion and debates that TRMC will stage for this purpose. 


For more information about the conference, please visit


IFT and Nankai joint Forum on China's Belt and Road Initiative was successfully held


IFT Tourism Research Centre of the Institute for Tourism Studies (ITRC) and the College of Tourism and Service Management of Nankai University jointly organised an international forum with Nankai University on China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Long-term Implications for Global Travel and Tourism on 20th April.  


The international forum invited international scholars and experts in panel discussions to jointly share their insights and exchange ideas on key questions related to China’s Belt and Road Initiative’s long-term impact on global travel and tourism.

During the event, President of IFT, Dr. Fanny Vong and Dean Designate of College of Tourism and Service Management of Nankai University, Prof. Hanqin Qiu gave their welcome remarks respectively. Moderators and discussants of the panel discussions included Emeritus Professor of International Tourism of the University of Strathclyde, UK and elected member of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism, Prof. Carson Lewis Jenkins, Assistant Professor of IFT, Dr. Eve Ren, Prof. Richard W. X. Hu, Department of Politics & Public Administration, University of Hong Kong, Dr. Tim Summers, Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prof. Hanqin Qiu, College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, Dr. Hong Yu, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore and Dr. Yanzheng Tuo, Silk Road Tourism Research Center, Nankai University. 


While most discussions about the Belt and Road revolve around infrastructure, economic, and trade development, few, if any, in-depth dialogues have taken place focusing on the initiative’s long-term impact on global travel and tourism. Given the Belt and Road initiative also envisions cooperation in regional tourism and the development of cross-country tourism routes and products, the aim of this forum was to discuss and address some of the most important issues affecting global travel and tourism as a result of the momentous change, opportunities, as well as challenges brought forth by the Belt and Road initiative.


Through organising and participating in international conferences, ITRC of IFT plays a more active role in fostering research locally and internationally. Its collaboration with other universities helps bring attention to the most relevant issues about tourism related developments as well as benefit the tourism development of Macao in the long run.


The Proceedings papers and the event photos have been uploaded to the Forum's webpage, please feel free to view and download. 


是次論壇邀請到多位各地學者及專家出席,並就 “一帶一路” 對全球旅遊業的長期影響相關的重要議題作探討和互相交流。


活動上,旅遊學院院長黃竹君博士及南開大學旅遊與服務學院侯任院長邱漢琴教授分別致歡迎詞。專題討論主持及討論者包括英國斯特拉斯克萊德大學國際旅遊榮譽教授及國際旅遊研究院當選委員Carson Lewis Jenkins教授、旅遊學院副教授任連萍博士、香港大學政治與公共行政學系胡偉星教授、香港中文大學中國研究中心夏添恩博士、南開大學旅遊與服務學院邱漢琴教授、新加坡國立大學東亞研究所余虹博士及南開大學旅遊與服務學院絲路旅遊研究中心妥艷媜博士。


中國的 “一帶一路” 倡議旨在實現有史以來最具抱負和影響深遠的國際合作計劃之一,涉及亞洲、歐洲和非洲大陸60多個國家和地區,目標為促進這些國家之間更緊密的合作。儘管關於 “一帶一路” 的大部分討論圍繞著基礎設施、經濟和貿易發展,但該倡議對全球旅遊業的長期影響,則幾乎沒有任何深入的議論。由於 “一帶一路” 倡議設想在區域旅遊和跨國旅遊路線以及產品方面進行合作,本論壇的目的是討論和解析因重大變革、機遇以及 “一帶一路” 倡議帶來的挑戰而影響全球旅遊業的一些重要課題。






The Greater Bay Area Collaborative Tourism Research Forum 大灣區旅遊研究合作論壇

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The Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) will be hosting the "The Greater Bay Area Collaborative Tourism Research Forumwhich is jointly orangnised by the School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-Sen University, and the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, on Tuesday, 8th May in the Taipa Campus of IFT.


It is an agenda-setting forum to identify and prioritize future joint and collaborative tourism reserch needed to address the challenges and opportunities facing the long-term tourism development of the Greater Bay Area.  


The Forum invites policy-makers, government officials, and decision-makers of all backgrounds and areas to participate and  raise pertinent points for research. We also invite scholars, researchers, community interest groups, think-tanks and private associations to participate. Members from the travel and hospitality industries, industry associations, and stakeholders from the Greater Bay Area are very much welcome to attend and share their opinions, as are members of the general public.


For details of the Forum and registration, please visit the Forum's webpage.






論壇誠邀政策制訂者、政府官員和不同背景和領域的決策者參與和提出其他相關的研究課題。 論壇還邀請學者、研究人員、社區持分者、智囊團和社團參加。 同時亦非常歡迎來自大灣區的旅遊和款客業界、相關持分者及公眾參加並分享他們的意見。 





Date and venue of the Forum:

Date: Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Time: 3:00-5:30pm

Venue: Grand Hall, TAIPA CAMPUS, IFT



日期: 2018手5月8日

時間: 下午3:00-5:30

地點: 旅遊學院氹仔校區,展望樓大禮堂



International Forum on China’s Belt and Road Initiative中國“一帶一路”倡議相關的國際論壇

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IFT will be hosting the International Forum on "China's Belt and Road Initiative: Long-Term Implications for Global Travel and Tourism" on Friday, 20th April in the Taipa Campus of IFT.


Organised jointly by IFT Tourism Research Centre and the College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, the Forum will be inviting international scholars and experts to discuss in a panel format and share their insights as well as exchange ideas on key issues.


For details of the Forum and registration, please visit the Forum's webpage.









Date and venue of the Forum:

Date: Friday, 20 April 2018

Time: 2:30-5:30pm

Venue: FG51, Grand Hall, TAIPA CAMPUS, IFT



日期: 2018手4月20日

時間: 下午2:30-5:30

地點: 旅遊學院氹仔校區,展望樓大禮堂FG51



IFT ITRC holds industry briefing on MHRM Project and releases the latest survey findings


IFT Tourism Research Centre (ITRC) held an industry briefing on 24 Nov 2017 and released the latest findings on one of the Center’ major research projects - the Macao Human Resource Monitor Survey (MHRM).


The MHRM Survey is ITRC’s long-term research that regularly measures job satisfaction levels and other key HR indicators of Macao’s general labor force, with particular focus on those working in the hospitality, gaming and tourism industries. In addition to monitoring general job satisfaction, the survey looks at several key HR variables such as workers’ perceived fairness in compensation and benefits, levels of job stress, and workers’ intent to stay, social well-being and life-work balance, among others. This year, ITRC is announcing the results of two special in-depth studies on the topic of Macao workers’ perception of women as managers as well as the extent of gender bias in organizations.


Mr. Patrick Lo, IFT Lecturer and ITRC research staff, presented the latest trends on key HR indicators. The most recent findings show that Macao workers generally feel less satisfied with their jobs, less fairly compensated, have lower willingness to stay, and experience more stress comparing to previous years. The overall job satisfaction score for all workers is 3.38 on a 5-point Likert scale ranged from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) in the latest study. IFT Lecturer Dr. Henrique Ngan conducted a study and measured stereotypic attitudes toward women as managers, which employed the Women as Managers Scale (WAMS), and found that the average WAMS score is 4.79 on a 1- to 7-point Likert scale, in which the higher the score, the more positive the attitude towards women as managers. Though the WAMS average score is slightly above the midpoint of scale (of 4), it is lower than average scores found in other studies, particularly those from western countries.


Another special focus report on gender bias was carried out by Dr. Louis Vong, Assistant Professor at IFT, the results of which are now published online (together with all the findings released during the briefing). Dr. Vong’s study looked at gender bias and whether or not having a male versus female superior would affect several HR related conditions such as work performance, stress, and job satisfaction.


About 30 participants from industry, principally from various HR departments, attended the briefing. For complete online reports, definition of the concepts used in this report, as well as details of the methodology employed as well as respondents’ characteristics, please visit the MHRM page.



Industry briefing on latest findings of the Macao Human Resources Monitor Project to be held on Friday, 24 November, 2017

About the briefing

ITRC conducts the Macao HR Monitor (MHRM) Project, which regularly measures job satisfaction levels, attitudes, and opinions of Macao’s employed labor force, with particular focus on those working in the hospitality, gaming and tourism industry. The MHRM research team will update attendees of the industry briefing on the project’s latest findings and studies. The briefing is open to all members of the public and industry and will be held on Friday, 24 November 2017, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, at the conference room of the Pousada de Mong-Ha, IFT Mong-Ha Campus (details of venue below).

The aim of the MHRM project is to provide policy planners, management executives, and employee groups with up-to-date and insightful information regarding human resource and work-related issues and trends. By providing recurrent knowledge, research, and actionable information, the project hopes to improve the effectiveness of human resource management practices and policies in Macao. Read more about the MHRM Project and access past reports here.

Briefing agenda & schedule


(Each presentation will last approximately 30 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A. All presentations and materials will be in English.)



3:30 pm

Trends in job satisfaction and other key HR indicators 

By Patrick Lo

Synopsis: This briefing will present the latest survey results regularly monitoring key HR metrics for Macao's labour force. This includes updates on current levels of job satisfaction, work stress, perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, as well as workers' intent-to-stay in their organizations.



4:15 pm

Overall perceptions towards women as managers

By Henrique Ngan

Synopsis: The briefing examines Macao's labour workforce perceptions towards women managers across different industries and with different background (e.g. age, gender, education) and its impact on employee turnover intentions. Implications for effective management of gender issues will be discussed. 





Also: Special report to be published online during the briefing, giving attendees first exclusive read


Does gender bias exist in Macao’s organizations and does it affect our work?

By Louis Vong

Synopsis: How common are supervisors managing subordinates of the opposite sex? How does supervisor gender influence subordinates' job attitudes? Are there natural advantages for managers supervising subordinates of the same sex-or the opposite sex? This online report presents findings of a study that examined gender congruence affecting the workplace and opens up avenues for discussion among managers and employees.

Meet the MHRM Project team


Registration (is now closed)

The briefing will have two presentations and will be conducted in English. Each presentation will last 30 minutes and followed by a brief Q&A. Limited places available. The briefing is free of charge but registration is required to confirm attendance and is limited to a maximum of 2 participants per organization. Registration is on a first-come-first served basis and can be on the registraion form on the right.

For inquiries, please email Ms. Virginia Hong at or call 8598-1253



Date, time, and venue:

Friday, 24 November 2017, 3:30pm-5:00pm

Conference Room, Pousada de Mong-Ha, IFT Mong-ha Campus


Colina de Mong-Ha, Macao 澳門望廈山

Print out taxi directions here.



The Second Conference of International Place Branding Association (IPBA)

The Second Conference of International Place Branding Association (IPBA) will be held on 5-7 December 2017 in Swansea, Wales, U.K. (Swansea Marriott Hotel and Swansea University Bay Campus.


The Conference will gather place branding experts from academia, practice and policy making
for a valuable discussion around this fascinating cutting edge intersection of marketing, tourism,
economic development, events organisation, heritage management, spatial design, public diplomacy and human geography.


The Conference intends to be inclusive of good quality papers and presentations that cover a wide range of topics but we particularly welcome contributions that:


  • Advance the theoretical understanding of the field incorporating cross‐disciplinary knowledge.
  • Use multiple, comparative case studies that reflect on cross‐case conclusions.
  • Advance the clarification of major concepts (e.g. place marketing vs place branding vs place promotion).
  • Explore and analyse the differences between major application fields (e.g. tourism vs. resident attachment vs. investment attraction) and/or major place scales (cities vs. regions vs. nations).
  • Critically examine the use and potential of digital technologies & social media in place branding.
  • Elaborate on the role of identity, history and heritage in the branding of places.
  • Examine the role of creativity and innovation in place branding strategies.
  • Analyse the significance of stakeholder engagement for effective place branding and methods to facilitate it.
  • Detail a potential future research agenda for place branding.




  • Submission of abstracts closes: May 1
  • Submission of full papers/ cases closes: June 30
  • Feedback to authors: August 30
  • Early Bird Registration closes: October 15
  • Re-submission of full papers/ cases closes: October 30
  • Registration closes: November 1
  • Conference: December 5-7


For more information and updates about the Conferenc and IPBA, please visit: We are looking forward to meeting you in Swansea !


BEYOND THE WAVES: The 4th International Conference on Events (ICE2017)

BEYOND THE WAVES: The 4th International Conference on Events (ICE2017), is to be held at Rosen College of the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida, USA, during 12-14 December 2017.


In this year’s ICE, we see the meeting of many key academics in event studies from around the world, with notable keynote speakers such as Prof. Donald Getz and Prof. Stephen Page. There are also ample opportunities to engage with other prolific reseachers in tourism and events.


Authors are encouraged to submit their structured abstract (1200 words including references) by 1 June 2017. For more details, please visit the official website .


The industry briefing on MHRM was sucessfully held with representatives from 17 local organizations attended


The industry briefing on Macao Human Resource Monitor Project (MHRM) was successfully held at IFT on 1 December 2016. There were 34 representatives from 17 local hotels/ organisations attended the Briefing during which the latest survey results of 2014 and 2015 for measures such as job satisfaction, job stress, perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, workers’ intent-to-stay in their organizations among the tourism and hospitality industry, etc. were announced by Mr. Patrick Lo, Lecturer at IFT. The first Industry Briefing on MHRM was held in 2014.


Three special reports were also presented by Mr. Henrique Ngan, Lecturer, Dr. Louis Vong, Assistant Professor, Prof. Don Dioko, Director of ITRC in addressing the career prospects, retention fundamentals, as well as service tenure.


Details of these reports can be viewed on the MHRM page.


Industry briefing on latest findings of the Macao Human Resources Monitor Project to be held on Thursday, December 1, 2016

About the briefing

ITRC conducts the Macao HR Monitor (MHRM) Project, which regularly measures job satisfaction levels, attitudes, and opinions of Macao’s employed labor force, with particular focus on those working in the hospitality, gaming and tourism industry. The MHRM research team will update attendees of the industry briefing on the project’s latest findings and studies. The briefing is open to all members of the public and industry and will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2016, 15:00 to 17:00, at the conference room of the Pousada de Mong-ha, IFT Main Campus (details of venue below).

The aim of the MHRM project is to provide policy planners, management executives, and employee groups with up-to-date and insightful information regarding human resource and work-related issues and trends. By providing recurrent knowledge, research, and actionable information, the project hopes to improve the effectiveness of human resource management practices and policies in Macao. Read more about the MHRM Project and access past reports here.

Briefing agenda & schedule


(Each presentation will last approximately 20 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A. All presentations and materials will be in English.)



3:00 pm

Trends in job satisfaction and other key HR indicators 

By Patrick Lo & Wendy Tang

Synopsis: This briefing will present latest survey results for measures such as job satisfaction, work stress, perceived fairness of compensation and benefits, as well as workers’ intent-to-stay in their organizations.



3:30 pm

How do employees perceive their career prospects in their organizations? Are these expectations realistic or too optimistic?

By Henrique Ngan

Synopsis: Employees value the career prospects offered by their organizations. But how do they perceive their chances for promotion and what are their expectations? This briefing reports the findings of a study that examined employees’ expectations for promotion and how well it corresponds to the reality. The briefing will name the factors related to these expectations and their implications for employees and their organizations



4:00 pm

Retention fundamentals: understanding the determinants of employee intention to stay

By Louis Vong

Synopsis: How can organizations identify which types of employees are more likely to stay or leave their jobs? What can organizations do to retain them? This session presents the findings of a study that examined the individual and organizational determinants influencing employees’ intent to stay with their employers.



4:30 pm

The 3.25-year “itch”— How long do employees stay in their organizations

By Leonardo (Don) Dioko

Synopsis: Based on analysis comparing long vs short staying employees, this briefing identifies the factors that likely influence employee length of tenure and suggest a few implications for management and organizations in Macao.





Meet the MHRM Project team



The briefing will have four presentations and will be conducted in English. Each presentation will last 20 minutes and followed by a brief Q&A. Limited places available. The briefing is free of charge but registration is required to confirm attendance and is limited to a maximum of 2 participants per organization. Registration is on a first-come-first served basis and can be made here:

For inquiries, please email Ms. Virginia Hong at or call 8598-1253

Date, time, and venue:

Thursday, 1 December 2016, 15:00-17:00

Conference Room, Pousada de Mong-Ha, IFT Main Campus


Colina de Mong-Ha, Macao 澳門望廈山

Print out taxi directions here.



Call for Papers (IPBA Conference) extends its submission deadline for abstract

The Inaugural Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA) which will be held during 7-9 December 2016 in London, has extended its deadline for the submission of abstract to 19 August! For more information, please visit or this poster


ITRC discussed about enhancing the FIT Policy

Source of the photo: Macao Daily

Source of the photo: Macao Daily

Our ITRC research team member, Mr. Patrick Lo, represented IFT to discuss about enhancing the Free Individual Travellers (FIT) Policy together with the other panelistes at the Macau Forum, program of the TDM on Sunday, 22 March 2016.


The panelists suggested increasing the proportions of the long-haul and the high-spending visitors could help driving the development of the hotel, the MICE and the tourism industries.


Mr. Patrick Lo believed that we should understand the goal of enhancing the FIT Policy. If we'd like to increase the visitor's purchasing power, adjusting the frequency of issuing visa in some reagions and issuing more business-visa can be considered.




The Inaugural Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA 2016)

We are pleased to announce that the next DBM Conference is set to take place in conjunction with the Inaugural Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA 2016)between 7-9 December 2016 in London (Hendon Hall Hotel and Middlesex University Campus). It is now calling for papers and details can be found here.


The conference will incorporate the following research tracks:

  • The IFT/USC/WCTR/SURREY UNIVERSITY Destination Branding and Marketing track
  • The POZNAN UNIVERSITY/BEST PLACE Nations and Regions Branding track
  • The IPM Place Branding SIG - Place Management track



  • Submission of abstracts and registration opens: May 1
  • Submission of abstracts closes: July 18
  • Feedback to abstracts: September 5
  • Submission of full papers closes: October 3
  • Early Bird Registration closes: October 3
  • Feedback to full papers: November 7
  • Registration closes: November 14
  • Conference: December 7-9


For more information, please visit: We are looking forward to meeting you in London !
